How We Work


How We Work

New Begining Care Company Ltd aims to provide bespoke and timely service to all our service users. We understand the importance of giving our service users a service packaged for them, with their own specific needs and requirements and doing so in a timely manner.

We work closely with the service user and their families, social services and other health professional making sure we deliver the required level of care. Our process generally includes;

  • Needs assessment:  We make an appointment for an experienced assessor to carry out a non-obligatory visit to a potential client to seek information about their healthcare needs and identify any risks that needs to be addressed.
  • Care support plan: Following the completion of assessment the service user and the assessor will draw up a care support plan that is tailored to meet their care needs and also discuss how best to carry out the care plan and answer any questions that the service user may have.
  • Care plan delivery: We introduce a care professional who will operate the designed care plan ensuring timeliness and quality service.
  • Care plan review and reassessment: Our experienced assessors keep tab on the reports to see if the care plan continues to meet the client’s needs and determine if it is necessary to review or amend.

Get a free, no obligation care assessment

At your request, one of our experienced assessors can visit you and carry out a full assessment of your healthcare needs. This will be a no obligation visit but will help you and us understand your needs and the provide the opportunity to meet and know you.

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